Learning Centre

Industrial Data Logger 4G LTE


Analog Channel Settings

The below given settings shows how to configure Loop current (4-20mA) and 0-10V Analog Channels.

  1. Select the Polling Interval sec/min/hour
  2. Set the Polling Interval
  3. Save Log: Select the Check boxarrow to store the data to the SD Card.
  4. Click on Save button will write these configuration settings in the memory.
  5. Select the Check box to Enable/Disable Analog channel
  6. Select 4-20mA / 0-10V from the dropdown.
  7. Extension ADC is an additional option under this the first four analog channels are for 4-20mA loop current and the next four for 0- 24V channel.
  8. Scaling: Click on the check boxcheckboxto enable scaling. Scale the raw value of input to required output value.
  9. Click on Save button to save the abovearrow configuration.
  10. Click on Read, to display the configuration that is already saved.

Application Wiring Diagram

 NOTE:Don’t connect Voltage source when Channel is set for Current Source Mode.
