Learning Centre

8051 Development Board- Trainer Kit

Keil Setup For 8051

Keil software can be downloaded from  this link.
Download and install the Keil Microvission 5 for 8051.

Keil Setup Steps

Step1: Open the Keil software and select the New Microvission project from Project Menu as shown below.

Step2: Browse to your project folder and provide the project name(Ex: LED) and save it.

Step3: Once the project is saved a new pop up “Select Device for Target” opens, Select the required 8051 series controller and click on OK. Select Nuvoton arrow W78E052D  Click Ok arrow Click Yes

Step4:Create a new file to write the program.

Step5:Type the code or Copy paste the code and save the file (Ex: Led.c).

Compiling and building the C project using Keil Uvision IDE

Step6:In order to build your recently created C program go to Project tab and click on Build Target on the menu bar. An alternate way to do this is by Clicking on Build icon or by pressing the F7 key. If the code that you have written is correct, the code will successfully compile without any errors.

Generating the hex file using Keil Uvision IDE

Step7:Right click on Target 1 and select arrow Options for Target „Target 1‟

Step8:Set the Xtal (MHz) to 11.0592.

Step9: Click on Output tab, Make sure Create Hex File option is selected and the HEX format should be HEX-80 arrow Click Ok.

Step10: Add the file to the project, right click on Source Group 1 arrow Add Existing files to‟ Source Group 1‟.

Step11: Select the already Saved files and Click on Add

Step12: Now the Led.c file should appear in Project Source Group.