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  1. ₹9,030.00

    The project aims at designing Home automation system using Wi-Fi technology,you can start with one room or automate the entire house.The system offers one-touch control of lights and appliances.

    Order Code: RDL/SHA/15/001/V1.0

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  2. ₹5,808.00

    Irrigation using fresh water resources is a task of high importance in Agriculture.Efficient water management system is essential because of the large quantity of fresh water consumed for this purpose. Optimal usage of fresh water resources has been achieved by means of Automation. Determining when and where to irrigate and how much water to use by  soil moisture monitoring at particular intervals of time will help in making an efficient automated irrigating system. The project automates the whole process and removes the need for workmanship.

    Order Code : RDL/DSC/13/001/V1.0

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  3. ₹13,774.00

    Intelligent Vehicle tracking systems (IVTS) are used for the purpose of tracking and navigation of vehicles. The paper describes the implementation of Global positioning systems (GPS) in IVTS systems. Further a critical GPS based low cost IVTS architecture has been described. The first part of the paper describes the need and the basic architecture of a general GPS based IVTS system.The GPS based low cost intelligent vehicle tracking system can be successfully designed and applied in the urban environment of a developing country like India. This if implemented in a well planned manner will bring significant revolutionary enhancement in the I n d ia n transportation industry.

      Order Code : RDL/VTS/13/001/V1.0

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  4. ₹17,167.00

    This Project provides guidelines for implementing an asset tracking solution at an organization of any significant size. it is intended for asset managers who need to keep track of a large number of physical assets such as computer equipment, vehicles, furniture or other high-value objects.

     Order Code : RDL/ATS/13/001/V1.0

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  5. ₹13,774.00

    Sensors are the hopeful device for precision agriculture. By forming wireless sensor network we can make good monitoring system in the paddy crop field area. This project proposed idea about monitoring the crop field area without man power. The fundamental concept of this project is to provide a highly enabled monitoring of crop field. In this all the different sensor values such as ph sensor, temperature sensor, moisture sensor sends value through gprs and the values are sensed and processed and if any of the sensor value exceeds the minimum or maximum value, a alarm is activated and the farmer gets a message on his phone and also a email message.

     Order Code : RDL/AGM/13/001/V1.0

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  6. ₹13,774.00

    In the present IT age, we are in need of fully automated industrial system. To design of Data Acquisition System (DAS) and its control is a challenging part of any measurement, automation and control system applications. Advancement in technology is very well reflected and supported by changes in measurement and control instrumentation. To move to high-speed serial from Parallel bus architectures has become prevalent and among these Ethernet is the most preferred switched Serial bus, which is forward-looking and backward-compatible. Great stride have been made in promoting Ethernet use for industrial networks and factory automation. The Web based distributed measurement and control is slowly replacing parallel architectures due to its non-crate architecture which reduces complexities of cooling, maintenance etc for slow speed field processing. A new kind of expandable, distributed large I/O data acquisition system based on low cost microcontroller based electronic web server boards has been investigated and developed in this paper, whose hardware boards use 8-bit RISC processor with Ethernet controller . There is a great deal of benefits for process plants in adopting the Internet to control systems. Over the years, there has been constant increase in the development of industrial Automation through remote monitoring and diagnosis virtually. By surveying down the existing remote monitoring system used for process plant equipment, this system tends to focus on the recent trends and developments in the control of equipments and devices in the industries by remote monitoring through Internet. The Internet based automation is made possible by the use of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Virtual Private Network (VPN) and other network elements.

    Order Code : RDL/SCD/13/001/v1.0

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  7. ₹10,928.00

    secure low cost Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system that calculates and transmits the total electrical energy consumption to main server using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology provided by GSM networks. The proposed AMR system consists of three main parts: Accurate digital meter, a transmission facility and the billing server. To make affordable AMR system a low cost off-the-shelf materials are used.

    Order Code : RDL/AMR/13/001/V1.0

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  8. ₹9,496.00

    Pay Electric Power Smart card system is the solution for the people who travel and required electric power in the public places like BUS Stand, Railway Station And Highways. Based on the number of units in rechargeable card the microcontroller will decide number of electrical units should be provided to the User.

    Order Code : RDL/POW/13/001/V1.0

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  9. ₹9,496.00

    Pay Electric Power Smart card system is the solution for the people who travel and required electric power in the public places like BUS Stand, Railway Station And Highways. Based on the number of units in rechargeable card the microcontroller will decide number of electrical units should be provided to the User.

      Order Code : RDL/PPO/13/001/V1.0

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  10. ₹11,488.00

    The robot is controlled by a mobile phone that makes call to the mobile phone attached to the robot in the course of the call, if any button is pressed control corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called dual tone multi frequency (DTMF).

    Order Code : RDL/CPO/13/001/V1.0

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