GPS and GPRS Based Intelligent Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Block Diagram:
An intelligent vehicle tracking system (IVTS) is generally used for tracking and navigation of vehicles. These tracking as well as navigation arc possible by using GPS in vehicles. Tacking provides a continuous track of the vehicle whereas Navigation guides the userto the desired destination. The basic methodology remains same in both tracking and navigation.
GPS and GPRS Based Intelligent Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Screenshot:
- PIC Microcontroller.
GPS and GPRS Based Intelligent Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Software Requirements:
- LANGUAGE-Embedded C.
- TOOLS: mikroC PRO for PIC
- Apache , wamp or xampp web server.
- MySQL Database Server
- PHP feature with Apache.
- Browser with AJAX and JavaScript support.
GPS and GPRS Based Intelligent Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Kit Contains:
- PCB programmed Microcontroller
- Oil Level ensor
- Temperature Sensor.
- Accident Sensor.
- Fuel Level Sensor.
- Easy GPRS.
- GSM Modem SIM900.
- CD/DVD Project Report &CBT *
Reference :
Above design based on latest IEEE, Spring and other international journal and Publication .The reference paper will be given along with kits.
Order Processing Time | 3 Working Days |
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Unsassembeled kit:
High quality PCB FR4 Grade with FPT Certified.
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