Product Description
On Board Programming.
- Plug & Play Interface Connectivity.
- Professional EMI/RFI Complaint PCB Layout Design.
- Modular Block design makes Easy access & quick Prototyping.
- FRC connectivity features minimize the connection Error.
- ROHS Compliant High Quality Grade PCB with wooden Enclosure.
- Open-source Hardware ESP32 dual-core 32-bit up to 240 MHz, Flash 16 MB.
- Supported most of the open-source platforms for Custom Programming.
- The device offers multiple industrial protocols like MODBUS RTU, MODBUS TCP, JSON, MQTT and FTP and supports secure communication SSL.
- Supported most of the cloud platforms including Microsoft Azure & AWS etc.
- OTA Firmware upgrade supported.
- On Board Programming.
- Supported communication over USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, Modbus RTU & RS232.
- Supported DC 12V Power Supply.
- High Quality Grade PCB with wooden Enclosure.
- On Board Sensor - LDR, Temperature, Gesture & Sound Sensors.
- Generic Low-power IoT Sensor Hubs.
- Cameras for Video Streaming.
- Generic Low-power IoT Data Loggers.
- Over-the-top (OTT) Devices.
- Speech Recognition.
- Image Recognition.
- Home Automation.
- Smart Building.
- Industrial Automation
- Smart Agriculture
- Audio Applications
- Health Care Applications
- WiFi enabled Toys
- Wearable Electronics
- Retail & Catering Applications
Scope of Learning Experiments:
- LED blinking.
- 8 bit LED Left shift, Right shift and counting operation.
- Keypad Interrupt Interface 6*2 LCD interface.
- Matrix Keypad Interface.
- ADC & DAC interface.
- Traffic Light Signal Interface.
- 8 bit DIP switch interface.
- 7 Segment interface.
- Multi processing using Dual core ESP32 Interfacing SD card and handling file system with esp32 using SPI and other method.
- Interfacing sensor with & Data parsing using RESTful & Json protocol.
- FTP Implementation.
- Interfacing sensor with ESP32 and MQTT protocol Implementation Exploring MQTT Features Subscribe & Publish methods.
- MQTT SSL certificate implementation - ESP32.
- Interfacing RS485 salve using MODBUS protocol.
- Interfacing BLE & Data parsing using RESTful/Json/MQTT protocol.
- OTA implementation - ESP32.
- Implementation of FREE RTOS on ESP32.
- Gesture (APDS 9960) & Touch Sensor Implementation.
- Text to speech implementation.
- Device control through Speech recognition & Alexa Integration.
- Exploring WiFi- MESH features.
- BioMedical sensor kit integration and connecting IoT cloud platform for prediction.
- L298 Driver for DC Motor and Stepper motor interface.
- Communication using UART, I2C, & SPI Buzzer, Relay interface.
- RS485, RS232 serial communication.
- ESP32 IO Interfacing with different sensor RTC DS1307I2C protocol interface.
- AT24C04 EEPROM I2C protocol interface.
- Bluetooth Classic, BLE & Wi-Fi Communication.
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor Interface - AHT21B.
- Appliance control through cloud platform using MQTT protocol
- Environment data like temp & humidity capturing using cloud platform
- Modbus RTU Communication and accessing data from Industrial PLC
- Wireless TCP/IP socket connection implementation.
- Snake & Starwar game
- Exploring OPC / UA server and client Implementation
- Implementation of ESP32 WEB server application

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Total Price ₹323,197.00
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