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Intelligent Vehicle tracking systems (IVTS) are used for the purpose of tracking and navigation of vehicles. The paper describes the implementation of Global positioning systems (GPS) in IVTS systems. Further a critical GPS based low cost IVTS architecture has been described. The first part of the paper describes the need and the basic architecture of a general GPS based IVTS system.The GPS based low cost intelligent vehicle tracking system can be successfully designed and applied in the urban environment of a developing country like India. This if implemented in a well planned manner will bring significant revolutionary enhancement in the I n d ia n transportation industry.
Order Code : RDL/VTS/13/001/V1.0
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8051 are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low-cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability. They are also commonly used in educational programming.
Order Code : RDL/8DB/14/001/V1.0
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The board has only one relay driven by TTL circuit . The board works on 12V but the input signal can come directly from microcontroller output working at 5V to control relays. Each relay can switch varierty of AC or DC high voltage, high current loads working at 110V or 220V AC mains like lights, fans, motors and such. The status of relay is indicated by individual LEDs.
Order Code : RDL/1RB/13/001/V1.0
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Advanced Vibration Sensor is a high-performance device designed to accurately monitor and analyze vibrations in various industrial and commercial applications. With its advanced features and capabilities, this sensor provides valuable insights into equipment health, allowing for preventive maintenance and improved operational efficiency.
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With this board you can develop and prototype with any of Microchip's 40 pin PIC microcontrollers. The RS232 driver on board allows easy connection with PC or other embedded hardware..The bridge rectifire allow this board to be powered with both AC and DC power supply adapters.
Order Code : RDL/PPIC/14/001/V1.0
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The PICkit™ 2 Development Programmer/Debugger is a low-cost development tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging Microchip’s Flash families of microcontrollers
Order Code : RDL/PIK/13/001/V1.0
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Start Your Embedded System Design Journey Today..!
LPC2148essential development features a plug and play design that makes it easy for connections and helps Students, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and professionals to focus more on Program / application development. LPC2148 Trainer Kit equipped with on board IO’s, communication interfaces & peripherals. It is really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuits without soldering. It’s used in many educational institutions and R&D LAB across the world.
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Smart Solar Based Drip Irrigation-UNO
The components of solar powered intelligent drip irrigation system are shown in Fig. Soil moisture sensor is used for real-time collection of crop root soil moisture content and converting it into a signal in the range of Voltage V; and the signal will transformed as knowledge of water requirement of crop. Soil moisture content at the root zone of different crops is collected by using the soil moisture sensor. The threshold limit for the water requirement for a particular crop has been feed to system which in turn controls the operation the control system. The power needed for the operation of the control system has been met with the use of a solar panel and the display will receive the control signal and display the data stored using the sensor from the field.
Order code:RDL/DIY-DRU/14/001/V1.0
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