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  1. ₹8,999.00

    LiFi Nano v2 is an easy-to-use, plug-and-play evaluation platform for a wide array of visible light communication applications in consumer, wearables, industrial, medical and Internet of Things (IoT) markets.LiFi Nano consists of two modules, LiFi transmit module connected to the lighting LED and LiFi receive module connected to the host communicating system 


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  2. ₹1,410.00

    4 Channel 4-20mA Current Loop Receiver offers high resolution with precision loop current measuring. 4-20mA current loop receiver board makes possible to connect Sensors like pressure sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, distance sensor, & flow meter etc. with output ranging from 4mA to 20mA are largely used in industrial application.


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  3. ₹8,814.00

    It is perfectly suitable for applications that need location acquirement of remote objects.Hence you can track remote objects like trucks, cars,Buses, ships and more quickly and easily. With this you can track the exact location of the vehicle using the particular software platform.The device ensures up-to-date status monitoring and delivery of the location/alarm messages to the end user’s registered mobile immediately. Location/status information is relayed through a hosted server, which allows for anywhere access logging as well as multi – user registered access.


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  4. ₹5,907.00

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    Research Design Lab’s IoT Trainer Kit is designed keeping in mind the latest technology on a single board. This makes it really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuitry without soldering. Students can explore a wide variety of electronic concepts simply by placing components on to the breadboard. All connections and controls are clearly marked and conveniently located. It is very useful in electronics laboratories for performing IoT experiments. It is also useful to build and test circuits as well as making projects related to IoT integrating with the cloud platform.


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  5. ₹4,499.00

    Add on Automated Fault  Alerting  block for any existing PLC & SCADA environment to send SMS to remote user on real time basis.


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  6. RDL Biometric Add-on Block product is designed to seamlessly integrate with the shop floor machinery. The flexible and customizable design allows you to control various operations like switching machine job operation, downtime escalation, and product loss escalation.

    The product is tested with all major PLC vendors and supports multiple interface options.


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  7. ₹749.00

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    The USB-RS485 Converter Module is a fully automatic plug-and-play USB module that connects to your PC via the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port and provides robust USB to RS-485 protocol conversion with automatic RS-485 flow control.


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  8. ₹4,899.00

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    Indino 4.0 series defines a new way of transforming factories into smart/intelligent factories for efficient and easy remote monitoring operational status of facilities such as on/off status, pressure and temperature. Indino 4.0 supporting for wide range of industrial protocols like Modbus, MQTT, JSON, RESTful, TCP/UDP, SNMP protocol, which makes the monitoring and solution integration, easier than ever for IT engineers through open source APIs.


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  9. Start Your IoT Journey Today..!

    ESP32 IoT Development Trainer Kit essential development features a plug-and-play design that makes it easy for connections and helps Students, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and professionals to focus more on Program/application development. ESP32 IoT Trainer Kit equipped with onboard IO’s, communication interfaces & peripherals. It is really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuits without soldering. It’s used in many educational institutions and R&D LAB across the world.



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  10. ₹12,499.00

    UHF RFID Reader by RDL Technologies is designed keeping in mind about the Industrial Environment. UHF RFID Reader is designed to monitor and identify the tracks and pallets by integrating with PLC and SCADA


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