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  1. ₹7,999.00

    LPC2148 is a single-chip 32-bit RISC Microcontroller with 512KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) 32KB RAM having Interrupt Controller, Two 10bit ADCs with 14 channels, USB 2.0 Full Speed Device Controller, Two UARTs, one with full modem interface. Two I2C serial interfaces, Two SPI serial interfaces Two 32-bit timers, Watchdog Timer, PWM unit, Real Time Clock with optional battery backup, Brown out detect circuit General purpose I/O pins. CPU clock up to 60 MHz, On-chip crystal oscillator and On-chip PLL.

    Order Code : RDL/LPB-48/14/001/V1.0

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  2. ₹4,999.00

    LPC2148 is a single-chip 32-bit RISC Microcontroller with 512KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) 32KB RAM having Interrupt Controller, Two 10bit ADCs with 14 channels, USB 2.0 Full Speed Device Controller, Two UARTs, one with full modem interface. Two I2C serial interfaces, Two SPI serial interfaces Two 32-bit timers, Watchdog Timer, PWM unit, Real Time Clock with optional battery backup, Brown out detect circuit General purpose I/O pins. CPU clock up to 60 MHz, On-chip crystal oscillator and On-chip PLL.

    Order Code : RDL/LPC-48/14/001/V1.0

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  3. ₹8,619.00

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    LPC2129 is a single-chip 32-bit microcontroller with 256KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) 16KB RAM having Real Time Clock, Watchdog Timer, General purpose I/O pins. CPU clock up to 60 MHz, On-chip crystal oscillator and On-chip PLL. This IC also supports Interrupt Controller, 2 SPI serial interfaces, Two UARTs, I2C serial interface, PWM unit with up to 6 PWM outputs, Two timers (7 capture/compare channels),  4-channels 10bit ADC, 2 CAN channels. 

    Order Code : RDL/LPC-29C/14/001/V1.0

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  4. ₹3,699.00

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    ATMEGA are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools. They are also commonly used in educational programming .

    Order Code : RDL/ATM-U/14/001/V1.0

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  5. The FT245 USB Breakout  Board  is an accessory board that provides a USB to parallel FIFO interface, with FT245 chip onboard.

    Order Code : RDL/FTB/14/001/V1.0

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  6. ₹1,434.00

    PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability. They are also commonly used in educational programming .

    Order Code : RDL/PNP-PICKIT/14/001/V1.0

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  7. ₹1,966.00

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    PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools. They are also commonly used in educational programming.

    Order Code : RDL/DSP/14/001/V1.0

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  8. ₹571.00

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    This programmer is based on USBasp design and connects to your computer's USB port. Not only is it quite compact, but the design is really elegent. The USB interface is achieved by using an atmega processor and the rest is done in firmware. ISP programmer supports  Atmel and Atmega microcontrollers. It is a reliable tool for fast programming of Atmel and Atmega  devices.

    Order Code : RDL/ISP-ATG/14/001/V1.0
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  9. This adapters allow you to quickly and easily mount a USB Type A Female connector onto a breadboard or prototype boards. This breakout board brings all 4 pins of its USB Type A Female socket out to prototyping work.Each pin brought to the male header pins. There are some prototyping area with 0.1" (2.54mm) spacing, allowing easy addition of simple circuits.

    Order Code : RDL/UBA/14/001/V1.0

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  10. ₹3,447.00

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    The RASPBERRY PI MODEL B+-512M is a credit card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard, its like a little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing and games. It also plays high definition video. The design is based around a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC, which includes an ARM1176JZF-S 700MHz processor, VideoCore IV GPU, and 512Mbytes of RAM. The design does not include a built in hard disk or solid state drive, instead relying on a microSD card for booting and long term storage. This board is intended to run Linux kernel based operating systems.

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