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  1. ₹4,499.00

    The Serial RS232 to Ethernet/WiFi gateway extends two way communications between serial terminal host & TCP Network. The Gateway comes with a Configuration manager that makes device configuration easier.
    The serial Ethernet / WiFi gateway fetches the Data from a serial terminal host using Open Data method & then pushes to the TCP Scanner device and vice versa.


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  2. ₹3,800.00

    Vehicle tracking and monitoring hardware platform that support plug and play interface and features that enable easy integration with any ERP, HRMS, and custom or existing software application.


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  3. ₹4,499.00

    The MODBUS TCP gateway extends two way communications between the MODBUS RTU & the MODBUS TCP Network. The Gateway comes with Configuration manager that makes device configuration easier.

    The MODBUS gateway fetches the Data from a variety of MODBUS Slaves- energy meters, Sensors, industrial PLC’s, and VFD through MODBUS RTU Protocol and then push to MODBUS TCP Scanner device.


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  4. ₹5,895.00

    WiFi RFID Reader- IoT Application is a low frequency (125Khz) reader. Wifi RFID Readers are ideal for pairing with tablets, smartphones, or handheld readers. Our readers provide mobile workers with a smart and scalable way of collecting data while keeping costs down. We can help you reduce your total cost of ownership with an innovative RFID solution. Along with this kit, we provide sample android SDK to customize application according to the specific needs.


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  5. ₹1,088.00

    The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It's a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. Expansion board includes UART interface,8I/Os interface,SPI interface,I2C interface,LCD interface,RS485 Interface,WiFi Interface, user LED's, Potentiometer.


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  6. ₹1,111.00

    Arduino WiFi Adapter Development Board allows an Arduino board to communicate wirelessly using  WiFi or BlueTooth.This shield is build up by two parts: Bluetooth and WiFi shield.This Bluetooth shield is a serial port Bluetooth module (Slave/Master) breakout board. you can directly stack on Arduino and use the UART port for Bluetooth communication.WiFi Shield is an enhanced WiFi modules breakout board for Arduino, it can directly plug in with Arduino, and use any pin of the basic board to connect with the WiFi module serial port.


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  7. ₹1,723.00

    Atmega 328 is one of the most commonly used Micro controllers with open source platform amongst many hobbyist and industrial communities. The simplicity and the low power of Atmega 328 helps design many prototype boards which could be used in numerous applications.


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  8. ₹2,119.00

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure.

    Web shield is a smart communication shield for controlling and monitoring embedded application via internet.Internet is the media and economic way for communication between anywhere from to geographical location.This shield is compatible with Arduino open source and make easy way for customized application development.This shield has got four relay 10AMP.The board by ULN2003 IC. The board works on 5V.  

    Order Code : RDL/ERS/14/001/V1.0

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  9. ₹10,380.00

    Controlling appliances is a main part of automation. The main object  of  Home  automation  is  to  provide  a  wireless communication  link  of  home  appliances  to  the  remote  user. The  main  objective  of  this  work  is  to  make  such  a  system which  controls  the  home  appliances  remotely.  Here we have demonstrated a simple yet a sophisticated way to control home appliances via an Android phone. 


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  10. ₹8,094.00

    Controlling appliances is a main part of automation. The main object  of  Home  automation  is  to  provide  a  wireless communication  link  of  home  appliances  to  the  remote  user. The  main  objective  of  this  work  is  to  make  such  a  system which  controls  the  home  appliances  remotely.  Here we have demonstrated a simple yet a sophisticated way to control home appliances via an Android phone. 

    ORDER CODE: RDL/DIY-BUNO/14/001/V1.0

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