Pic Uart Code
/* * Project name: PIC Development Board * Copyright (c) Researchdesignlab.com * Test configuration: MCU: PIC16F877A Dev.Board: PIC Oscillator: 20.0 MHz Software: mikroC PRO for PIC v 4.6 */ char uart_rd; void main() { UART1_Init(9600); // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps Delay_ms(100); // Wait for UART module to stabilize UART1_Write_Text("Research design Lab"); UART1_Write(10); UART1_Write(13); while (1) { // Endless loop if (UART1_Data_Ready()) { // If data is received, uart_rd = UART1_Read(); // read the received data, UART1_Write(uart_rd); // and send data via UART } } }