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PIC Development Board

* Project name:I2C
PIC Development Board
* Copyright
* Test configuration:
Dev.Board: PIC
Oscillator: 20.0 MHz
Software: MPLAB IDE v8.92(HI-TECH_C)

#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000

#define I2C_FREQ 100 // 100khz at 4Mhz

#define FOSC 20000 // 20Mhz==>20000Khz

void WaitMSSP(void);

void i2c_init(void);

void I2C_Start(void);

void I2C_Stop(void);

char I2C_Read_Data(void);

char I2C_Write_Data(unsigned char);

void I2C_Reset(void);

void DelayMs(unsigned int);

char UART_Init(const long int);

void UART_Write_Text(char *);

void UART_Write(char );

char UART_Data_Ready(void);

char UART_Read(void);

void main()
char a;
UART_Init(9600); //initialize the UART
DelayMs(1000); //Provide a delay of 1s
i2c_init(); //initialize the I2C
DelayMs(1000); //Provide a delay of 1s

I2C_Start(); //start bit is set in this function
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data(0xa0); //write the data on to the location 0xa0(device address)
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data(0x20); //write the data on to location 0x20
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data('a'); //send character ‘a’
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Stop(); //stop bit is set in this function
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Start(); //start bit is set in this function
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data(0xa0); //write the data on to the location 0xa0(device address)
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data(0x20); //write the data on to location 0x20
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Reset(); //this function is used to reset
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Write_Data(0xa1); //write the data on to the location 0xa0(device address)
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
a=I2C_Read_Data(); //this function reads the data stored in EEPROM
UART_Write(a); //display the character on hyper terminal
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay
I2C_Stop(); //stop bit is set in this function
DelayMs(100); //Provide a delay

char I2C_Write_Data(unsigned char data)//This function is used to write the data onto EEPROM


//WaitMSSP(); // wait for the operation to be finished

SSPBUF=data; //Send Slave address write command

WaitMSSP(); //wait for operation to complete

void I2C_Start() //this function is used to set start bit
SEN=1; //start bit is set
WaitMSSP(); //wait for operation to complete


void I2C_Stop() //this function is used to set start bit
PEN=1; //stop bit is set
WaitMSSP(); //wait for operation to complete

void I2C_Reset() //this function is used to reset start bit
RSEN=1; // Send re-start bit

WaitMSSP(); //wait for operation to complete

char I2C_Read_Data() //this function is used to read data from EEPROM


RCEN=1; // Enable receive

WaitMSSP(); //wait for operation to complete

ACKDT=1; // Acknowledge data 1: NACK, 0: ACK

ACKEN=1; // Enable ACK to send

WaitMSSP();//wait for operation to complete

return SSPBUF; // Send the received data to PC



void WaitMSSP() // function for wait for operation to complete


while(!SSPIF); // while SSPIF=0 stay here else exit the loop

SSPIF=0; // operation completed clear the flag


void i2c_init() //function to initialize I2C

TRISC3=1; // Set up I2C lines by setting as input


SSPCON=0x28; // SSP port, Master mode, clock = FOSC / (4 * (SSPADD+1))

SSPADD=(FOSC / (4 * I2C_FREQ)) - 1; //clock 100khz

SSPSTAT=80; // Slew rate control disabled



void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms) //function to provide a delay


int delay_cnst;




for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);



char UART_Init(const long int baudrate)
unsigned int x;
x = (_XTAL_FREQ - baudrate*64)/(baudrate*64);
x = (_XTAL_FREQ - baudrate*16)/(baudrate*16);
BRGH = 1; //High Baud Rate Select bit set to high
SPBRG = x; //Writing SPBRG register
SYNC = 0; //Selecting Asynchronous Mode
SPEN = 1; //enables serial port
TRISC7 = 1;
TRISC6 = 1;
CREN = 1; //enables continuous reception
TXEN = 1; //enables continuous transmission
return 1;
return 0;

char UART_TX_Empty()
return TRMT; //Returns Transmit Shift Status bit

char UART_Data_Ready()
return RCIF; //Flag bit

char UART_Read() //this function is used to read a byte
while(!RCIF); //Waits for Reception to complete
return RCREG; //Returns the 8 bit data
void UART_Read_Text(char *Output, unsigned int length)//this function is used to read a text
int i;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
Output[i] = UART_Read();

void UART_Write(char data) //this function is used to write a byte
TXREG = data; //transmit register

void UART_Write_Text(char *text) //this function is used to write a string
int i;

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