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LCD interfacing with ATMEGA Code

# define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <string.h>

//#define LCD_PORT PORTB
#define RS PC0 //initialize register select as PC0 pin
#define EN PC1 //initialize enable pin as PC1



void CMD_WRT(unsigned char val)

PORTC = PORTC & (~(1<<RS));
_delay_ms(1); // here we provide a delay of 1 sec
ORTC = PORTC | ((1<<EN)); //make enable pin high
PORTC = PORTC & (~(1<<EN)); //make enable pin low


void DATA_WRT(unsigned char ch)

PORTB = ch;
PORTC = PORTC | ((1<<RS));//make register select pin high
PORTC = PORTC | ((1<<EN)); //make enable pin high
PORTC = PORTC & (~(1<<EN)); //make enable pin low
void LCD_WRT( char *string)
DATA_WRT(*string++);//will write the strings




int main(void)
//setting the display of the lcd
unsigned char CMD[]={0x38,0x01,0x0f,0x06,0x80},TEMP1,i;
DDRB=0XFF; //make PORTB as output
DDRC = 0xFF;//(1<<RS)|(1<<EN); //make PORTC as output
_delay_ms(10); //provide the delay of 10ms

TEMP1=CMD[i]; //it will place the command in cmd array
CMD_WRT(TEMP1); //it will write all the cmd that is in the cmd array


CMD_WRT(0X01); //clear display
CMD_WRT(0X80); // blink the cursor in 1st row
LCD_WRT(" --RDL--");//display RDL in lcd
CMD_WRT(0XC0); //to use 2nd row of lcd
LCD_WRT(" LCD_DISPLAY"); //display LCD_DISPLAY in lcd

_delay_ms(1000); //delay of 1sec

return 0;

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