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  1. ₹1,091.00

    This is a low frequency (125Khz) RFID Reader With serial Output with range 0-10cms. The RFID Reader  is designed specifically for low-frequency (125 kHz) passive tags.Frequency refers to the size of the radio waves used to communicate between the RFID system components.

    Order Code :RDL/RFS/15/001/V1.0

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  2. ₹6,999.00

    A very innovative technology known as 'LiFi' or 'Light Fidelity’ or VLC (visible light communication), which transfer the data through light as a medium.

    Order Code : RDL/LFS/13/001/V1.0


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  3. ₹10,456.00

    The embedded Bluetooth technology, they form a network in which appliances can communicate with each other. This wireless technology is, especially useful in home environment. The smart phones Bluetooth connection is connected to personal computer or laptop, the Window GUI will be act as a server to forward or transmit any data from/to the smart phone and main control board. Depending on the data home appliances control via Bluetooth.

    Order Code : RDL/HAB/13/001/V1.0

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  4. ₹10,380.00

    Automatic Meter Reading DIY Kit- UNO ATMEGA328

    Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data from energy metering devices (electric) and transferring that data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. This technology mainly saves utility providers the expense of periodic trips to each physical location to read a meter. Another advantage is that billing can be based on near real-time consumption rather than on estimates based on past or predicted consumption. 

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  5. ₹13,774.00

    A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database. It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems.

    Order Code : RDL/MFA/13/001/V1.0

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  6. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is finding wide spread use replacing LEDs (seven segment LEDs or other multi segment LEDs) because of the the ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which are limited to numbers and a few characters.

    Order Code : RDL/LCD/13/001/V1.0

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  7. UHF RFID Jewelry Tags are contactless read and write with different functions. With chips sealed inside the PVC housing, every RFID Jewelry Tag is assigned a unique identification number to capture the full details of the item.The small RFID tags are an excellent way of enhancing the security of many inventoried products, especially jewelry items.


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  8. ₹1,561.00

    The PICkit™ 2 Development Programmer/Debugger is a low-cost development tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging Microchip’s Flash families of microcontrollers

    Order Code : RDL/PUZ/14/001/V1.0

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