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This Book guides the embedded system hobbyist to develop an web based application integrating with Embedded system . Beginner can create custom based HMI or GUI using PHP web application , also you create IOT based application
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure.
Web shield is a smart communication shield for controlling and monitoring embedded application via internet.Internet is the media and economic way for communication between anywhere from to geographical location.This shield is compatible with Arduino open source and make easy way for customized application development.This shield has got four relay 10AMP.The board by ULN2003 IC. The board works on 5V.
Order Code : RDL/ERS/14/001/V1.0
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ESP8266 is a highly integrated chip designed for the needs of a new connected world. It offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either host the application or to offload all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor.
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LPC2129 is a single-chip 32-bit microcontroller with 256KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) 16KB RAM having Real Time Clock, Watchdog Timer, General purpose I/O pins. CPU clock up to 60 MHz, On-chip crystal oscillator and On-chip PLL. This IC also supports Interrupt Controller, 2 SPI serial interfaces, Two UARTs, I2C serial interface, PWM unit with up to 6 PWM outputs, Two timers (7 capture/compare channels), 4-channels 10bit ADC, 2 CAN channels.
Order Code : RDL/LPC-29C/14/001/V1.0
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Arduino WiFi Adapter Development Board allows an Arduino board to communicate wirelessly using WiFi or BlueTooth.This shield is build up by two parts: Bluetooth and WiFi shield.This Bluetooth shield is a serial port Bluetooth module (Slave/Master) breakout board. you can directly stack on Arduino and use the UART port for Bluetooth communication.WiFi Shield is an enhanced WiFi modules breakout board for Arduino, it can directly plug in with Arduino, and use any pin of the basic board to connect with the WiFi module serial port.
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LPC2129 essential development features a plug and play design that makes it easy for connections and helps Students, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and professionals to focus more on Program/application development. LPC2129 Development Trainer Kit equipped with on board IO’s, communication interfaces & peripherals. It is really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuits without soldering. It’s used in many educational institutions and R&D LAB across the world.
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The 8-channel Ethernet Relay and 8DI Digital input module allows controlling electrical devices remotely through Ethernet. Remote control with integrated web server for set-up,and support easy integration with other control systems over MODBUS TCP, TCP/IP and MQTT protocol. The Relay module works with Remote control and Standalone mode, The built-in real time clock allows to organize scheduled stand-alone work without connection to the computer. Suitable for network watchdog systems, irrigation systems, industrial, home automation, Hotel Automation and the Internet of Things. Compatible with custom applications and the most widely used apps and platforms, Including Node-RED, Home Assistant, Domoticz, and OpenHAB..
Order Code: RDL912
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One of the basic interfacing requirements for the hobbyists or electronics enthusiasts is I/P (keypad) and O/P (LCD display) for proyotype applications. This shield uses minimum number I/O’s that is 4 bits for LCD data and 2 control signal lines for the same. A single analog pin (Pin A0) is multiplexed to read 5 input key switches (Navigation keys). Each key has been pulled up to a different voltage level, so a different voltage will be generated every time a user selects a key. This voltage could be read by the analog pin A0 on the board. Hence saves the no of I/O pins. The backlight of the LCD could be controlled by setting PWM (Pin D10) by adding a few lines of code.
Order Code : RDL/RLSS/14/001/V1.0
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