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  1. ₹29,260.00

    Indoor navigation is convenient for everyone, and it is especially indispensable for the visually impaired. We proposed such a navigation system for the visually impaired .LED lights emit visible light with location data and a embedded system or smartphone with a visible light receiver receives the data. The embedded system or smartphone calculates the optimal path to a designation and speaks to the visually impaired through a headphone.


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  2. GSM GPRS SIM800C Modem- Serial TTL is built with Quad-Band GSM GPRS engine-SIM800C, works on frequencies 850/900/1800/1900MHz. The Modem is coming with TTL interface, which allows you connect PC as well as a microcontroller with TTL


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  3. Serial port bluetooth, Drop-in replacement for wired serial connections, transparent usage. You can use the Bluetooth Module simply for a serial port replacement to establish a connection between MCU and GPS, PC to your embedded project and etc.

    Order Code: RDL/MODHC05/13/001/V1.0

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  4. Xbee USB adapter provides easy way for mounting the xbee module and taking the external TTL connection(RX,TX,GND) can be connected to any microcontroller. Power supply can be given to the external or USB.

     Order Code : RDL/XUC/13/001/V1.0

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  5. Instrument housing case pcb enclosure 36*147*100mm project box electronic case amplifier enclosure distribution box.


    ORDER CODE: RDL/IHC/15/001/V1.0

    Processing Days: 10-15 Days

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  6. Atmega 328 is one of the most commonly used Micro controllers with open source platform amongst many hobbyist and industrial communities. The simplicity and the low power of Atmega 328 helps design many prototype boards which could be used in numerous applications.

    ORDER CODE: RDL/A38/14/001/V1.0

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  7. ₹5,734.00

    This project required the evaluation of the potential in the combination of advances pertaining to Smartphone device technology with up to date  developments  regarding  the  area  pertaining  to  the  monitoring  of personal  health.  The advantageous features regarding such a technological aspect are examined and analyzed as well as how they are applicable to the approaching crisis in health care. An analysis was done  regarding  the  state  of  wireless  that  is  relevant,  and  sensing  as well  as  portable  technologies  in  computing.  Developing such application will help the NHS, as the patients will be able to monitor themselves everywhere they  go,  as  mobile  phones  are  handheld devices.

    Order Code : RDL/SMM/13/001/V1.0

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  8. This Book guides the embedded system hobbyist to develop an web based application integrating with Embedded system . Beginner can create custom based HMI or GUI using PHP web application , also you create IOT based application

    Integrating PHP with Embedded System

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