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  1. Atmega 328 is one of the most commonly used Micro controllers with open source platform amongst many hobbyist and industrial communities. The simplicity and the low power of Atmega 328 helps design many prototype boards which could be used in numerous applications.

    Order Code : RDL/RR3/14/001/V1.0

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  2. The  SSR switch  ON / OFF and  16 level Dimming can be controlled using controller , switches  and PLC logics .This switch can be used control light , FAN, power socket ,  Triac dimming enabled LED's and any other remote  ON / OFF  or dimming application.


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  3. ₹749.00

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    The USB-RS485 Converter Module is a fully automatic plug-and-play USB module that connects to your PC via the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port and provides robust USB to RS-485 protocol conversion with automatic RS-485 flow control.


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  4. This is a cost effective and simple Arduino GSM and GPRS shield. Module SIM800C Modem is being used.


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  5. ₹300,000.00

    Not every student has the financial means to purchase every kind of kit and Explore number of hands-on experiments in order to learn new things. Students and hobbyists can borrow various kits from your institute's or R&D facilities, to explore and then return them to the library, much like they would with a book.


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  6. Industrial grade Analog to 4-20 mA current Loop Transmitter is very much useful device to control the valve, VFD, Test systems and sensor output conversion (Voltage to current). They provide accurate current scaling and output current limit functions.

    Order Code: RDL900

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  7. This module enables you to wireless transmit & receive serial data. It is a drop in replacement for wired serial connections allowing transparent two way data communication. You can simply use it for serial port replacement to establish connection between MCU or embedded project and PC for data transfer. This board operates on 5V and has LED indication and 3V regulator.


    Order Code : RDL/BL-06/14/001/V1.0

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  8. MODBUS TCP IO Modules can be used to build a custom solution for secure monitoring and controlling the IO. Field data collection over MODBUS RS485 makes monitoring and solution integration easier than ever.


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