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Industrial grade Isolated Serial USB to RS485 adapter build the communication link between DAQ / DAS, PLC’s and any serial port enabled devices to USB enabled devices.
Order Code: RDL904
GSM GPRS M95 QUECTEL Modem -RS232 is built with Quad-Band GSM GPRS engine-M95, works on frequencies 850/900/1800/1900MHz. The Modem is coming with RS232 interface, which allows you connect PC as well as a microcontroller with RS232 Chip(MAX232).
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This Bluetooth Module enables you to wireless transmit & receive serial data. It is a drop in replacement for wired serial connections allowing transparent two-way data communication. You can simply use it for a serial port replacement to establish a connection between MCU or embedded project and PC for data transfer. This board operates on 5V and has LED indication and 3V regulator.
Order Code: RDL/BLT/13/001/V1.0
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With UHF RFID Reader,you get constant and effortfree identification, location and tracking information,effortless tracking of every product or asset, every moment of the day. reading distance 50-200 Centimeters depends on the tag manufacturer.Multi-tags identify >50pcs tags.Reading distance speed >50pcs/sec.
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The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It's a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. Expansion board includes UART interface,8I/Os interface,SPI interface,I2C interface,LCD interface,RS485 Interface,WiFi Interface, user LED's, Potentiometer.
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ATMGEA328 IoT Trainer Kit essential development features a plug and plays design that makes it easy for connections and helps Students, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and professionals to focus more on Program/application development. ATMGEA328 IoT Trainer Kit equipped with onboard IO’s, communication interfaces & peripherals. It is really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuits without soldering. It’s used in many educational institutions and R&D LAB across the world.
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The basic piezo sensor can be used in anti-theft deices, electronic locks, mechanical equipment vibration detection, sound gesture application and detection range bull’s e-eye counts vibration testing occasions. The vibration levels can be supplied to any controllers/processors/ and necessary decisions can be obtained as required though it. This module has triple output mode i.e. – digital output – is simple, analog output which is more accurate and serial output with exact readings.
Order Code : RDL/VBS/13/001/V1.0
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It’s a common high speed IC used to convert USB to serial converter. It’s quite commonly used to connect a microcontroller TTL data to any USB interface host to establish a bridge for communications between USB to serial devices. This particular breakthrough board can be used to program RDL UNO ATMEGA 328 and use directly in to your own circuits. Also this breakthrough board can also act as a bridge between Xbee and its Xbee utility software to configure various Xbee’s.
Order Code : RDL/FTO/14/001/V1.0
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