Block Diagram:
Working Principle:
The principles of solar powered intelligent drip irrigation system is based on control module with sensor data availability to the irrigation system on the difference of threshold limit of soil moisture content of the irrigated crops, and real-time soil moisture content. When the soil moisture content of the crop is below the permissible limit, the sensors will message to control system and irrigation system to start the irrigation until the soil moisture content reaches the desired limit.
Software Requirements:
- LANGUAGE-Embedded C.
- TOOLS: mikroC PRO for PIC
Kit Contains:
- Pic Development Board without USB.
- Soil moisture sensor.
- Solar panel
- 12V 4 Relay board.
- 12V, 2A DC adapter.
- PIC 16F877A IC.
- Max 232 IC
- Jumper wires.
- Valve
CD/DVD Contains
- Abstract
- Circuit Diagrams and Connection details
- How to dump codes
- Other Sample Codes to work on PIC Dev Board
- Kit Codes
- Diy Kit's Documents and resources
- Software Links
- User Manual to work on PIC DEV board
- Video Links
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Total Price ₹44,914.00
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